A Successful College Career: You Can Do It

Education Article
Hasil gambar untuk graduated

Although nearly everyone who enters college does so expecting to complete it, not all do. There are many challenges and decisions in college that can cut the road short, and other things to look out for. This article will offer you some tips on getting through college and reaching your intended destination: graduation day!

Study as much as possible each day.

Studying will help you get more out of your college education. Socializing is fine, but you need to devote a certain amount of time to studying each day. If you do well in college, you can have a better career and earn more money.

Your environment may make a difference in whether or not your studying is successful. Your dorm room is rarely a great place to study. Find a place where you can be alone with your studies. Libraries are an exceptional choice. If you have no other …

Tip and Tricks to Ace the MHT CET 2018

Education Article


After you have submitted your MHT CET application form 2018, you probably are wondering how to study for the examination in the best possible way. We have compiled a list of the tips and tricks that you can use for an easy and effective study that will help you ace this life-changing examination. For instance, there are certain topics that should absolutely not be avoided when studying for this examination. These topics include the following:


  • Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei;
  • Oscillations,
  • Rotational Motion,
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases and radiation;
  • Electrostatics,
  • Electromagnetic Induction,
  • Magnetic Effects of Current,
  • Semiconductors,
  • Wave Motion.


  • Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics, ,
  • Alcohol Phenol Ether,
  • Coordination Compounds,
  • p-Block elements d-Block and f-Block elements,
  • Solid State,
  • Chemical Kinetics,
  • Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen Solutions and Colligative Properties.


  • Differential Equations,
  • Integral Calculus,
  • Limits,
  • Continuity and Differentiability,
  • Vectors and 3D Geometry.


  • Biotechnology: Process and Application,
  • Genetic Engineering and

How to Use the Frayer Model in Your Classroom

Education Article

Uses of the Frayer Model

The Frayer Model is useful for any child that benefits from a visual when learning new content. While any student can utilize this model, graphic organizers help support students like English Language Learners who may benefit from explicit examples and images to help them learn new English words. In addition, students with a limited vocabulary, lower reading skills, or special needs can also benefit from the visuals provided by the Frayer Model. Students can learn content-specific terminology to help them master lesson activities and complex vocabulary within your classroom.

The applications of the Frayer Model span content areas and are not only applicable to the English Language Arts classroom.

In math class, you can utilize Frayer Model not only for definitions “a triangle is…” but for equations like “the area of a triangle is….”

You can utilize the Frayer Model for important historical moments or

Can We Improve Grading by Collaborating with Students?

Education Article

What is wrong with grades?

Instructors and students have different ideas about what grades are supposed to measure: Should they be about how much students have learned? How much work they have completed? How well they have mastered the subject? (Arguably, they measure none of these well.) Grades can perpetuate bias, inequalities, and injustice, reduce student motivation and willingness to challenge themselves, and add enormous administrative burdens. No wonder many students and faculty dislike grades!

However, grades are not going away as a tool for evaluation, sorting, and gatekeeping by institutions and employers, and as a measure of success by students. But there is literature on how to adapt the grading process to avoid the drawbacks above, and improve student motivation and engagement, as well as instructor satisfaction. They go by names such as curving, ungrading, contract grading, and specifications grading.

In 2022, I experimented with a combination of specifications

Why Won’t They Ask Us for Help?

Education Article

After teaching statistics classes for more than 25 years and seeing so many students struggling to be successful, I became increasingly frustrated by the fact that no matter how much I believed myself to be approachable, available, and willing to help students outside of class, very few took advantage of the opportunity. I began to wonder not only what barriers existed between me and my students but also how to investigate those barriers and seek solutions.

Students are often reluctant to seek academic help from their instructors, despite the fact that many of them could benefit from the help. Teachers are being encouraged to develop supportive relationships with students, and most are willing to do so. In the case of students seeking help, what we need is clear information about those teacher characteristics that motivate students to ask.

The probability of student help-seeking behavior is a function of several independent