NJ teacher writes children’s book, Principal for a Day
When Marisa Kossoy taught seventh graders in Saddle Brook, she used to ask them to write their own books. The activity was so popular that years later, former students who run into her tell her, “I still have my book!”
She eventually gave herself the same assignment, and in the process ticked an important item off her bucket list: She wrote a children’s book. Kossoy, now a longtime educator with experience as a teacher and a principal, titled it “Principal for a Day” and says she hopes the story helps readers make good decisions — while also having fun.
“Principal for a Day“ features Jackson, a troublemaker who’s known for knocking down chairs and playing pranks on his teachers, and who enters a principal-for-a-day lottery. Jackson doesn’t have any hopes of winning, but — surprise! — his name is chosen. Now this troublemaker has to discipline other troublemakers,