Month: June 2020

Ex-school principal accused of ‘willful cruelty’ after video shows him shoving student

A former elementary school principal was accused of abusing a 9-year-old student after video showed him shoving the child to the ground, officials said Thursday.

Brian Vollhardt, who resigned from Wolters Elementary School in Fresno after the school district launched an investigation into the June 7 altercation, faces a charge of willful cruelty to a minor, police and school officials said during a Thursday news conference.

Court records show Vollhardt is scheduled to be arraigned for the alleged crime, a misdemeanor, on Sept. 26.

“There’s no excuse for repugnant behavior such as this,” school district superintendent Bob Nelson told reporters.

A video of the incident was released by the Fresno Unified School District and Fresno police with some faces blurred.

Nelson said the incident occurred after Vollhardt joined a group of students eating breakfast. Fresno Police Chief Paco Balderrama described the boy as a “special needs” student, though he did

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Understanding Learning According to Psychologists

The types of psychologists - Geoffrey Dromard

Understanding of Learning According to Psychologists is not far from the understanding of learning in general, which is an optimal process of activities from those who do not know to know, from those who do not understand to understand. Learning activities or learning is a process of unification between cognitive, emotional, environmental and experience to obtain, enhance, or make changes in someone’s knowledge, skills, values, and views.

Here are some terms of learning according to some psychologists.

Arno F. Wittig in Psychology of Learning: 1981. Learning is a relatively permanent change that occurs in all kinds of behavior of an organism as a result of learning.

James Patrick Chaplin in Dictionary of Psychology: 1985. Learning is limited by two kinds of formulations. The first formulation of Learning is the acquisition of relatively permanent behavioral changes as a result of practice and experience. The second formulation of Learning is the process …

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Involving Students in Rubric Creation Using Google Docs

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on September 26, 2016. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.

Editor’s note: There are two articles in this issue on rubrics. First, Raz Kerwin shares how he engages students (via Google Docs) in the creation of assignment rubrics, while Perry Shaw’s piece focuses on how faculty can improve their use of rubrics. Both articles reflect the growing interest in and use of these more elaborate delineations of grading criteria.

Wide consensus confirms the usefulness of rubrics. For instructors, rubrics expedite grading with standards; at the same time, they reinforce learning objectives and standardize course curricula. For students, rubrics provide formative guidelines for assignments while—ideally—spurring reflection and self-assessment.

Rubrics can do these wonderful things for students only if students actually look at, understand, and use them. Many of us have seen students do just the opposite—file them away or, even worse, toss them

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Postgraduate Courses Open University

DegreeAlmost each movie or TV show you’ve gotten ever seen about aliens or the Moon got here from a Freemasonic director! All of those had been made by Masons: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET, Taken, Alien 1-4, Independence Day, 2001: Space Odyssey, Star Wars, Star Trek, Men In Black, From the Earth to the Moon, Apollo 13, War of the Worlds, and the X-Files.

doctoral degrees or doctorates , 93 such as the Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD or DPhil) or Doctor of Education (EdD or DEd) are awarded following a programme of authentic research that contributes new information throughout the context of the student’s discipline. doctoral degrees normally take three years full-time. Therefore, in the UK it might solely take seven years to progress from undergraduate to doctoral stage – in some instances six, since having a Master’s is just not at all times a precondition for …

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