Month: May 2019

Tennessee college alumni lobby to remove Supreme

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An alumni group at Rhodes College created a petition for the school to remove Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett from the school’s “Hall of Fame” because of her vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The petition was created by Rhodes College Alumni for Reproductive Rights and is being sent to the school’s president Jennifer Collins and Director of Community Standards Richard Adams.

According to the letter, the signatories’ “firm belief in the Rhodes Honor Code we all signed impels us to make this request.”

The letter argues that Barrett has violated the Rhodes Honor Code through her testimony in the Senate confirmation hearings and in her “judicial decision-making process.”


Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett listens during the second day of her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett listens during the second day of her confirmation hearing

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How to Use the Frayer Model in Your Classroom

Uses of the Frayer Model

The Frayer Model is useful for any child that benefits from a visual when learning new content. While any student can utilize this model, graphic organizers help support students like English Language Learners who may benefit from explicit examples and images to help them learn new English words. In addition, students with a limited vocabulary, lower reading skills, or special needs can also benefit from the visuals provided by the Frayer Model. Students can learn content-specific terminology to help them master lesson activities and complex vocabulary within your classroom.

The applications of the Frayer Model span content areas and are not only applicable to the English Language Arts classroom.

In math class, you can utilize Frayer Model not only for definitions “a triangle is…” but for equations like “the area of a triangle is….”

You can utilize the Frayer Model for important historical moments or

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Department For Continuing Education

Oxford University Department for Continuing Education in Muddy ...

WASHINGTON Jan 17 The U.S. Internal Revenue Service needs a fallback possibility that would encourage thousands of tax return preparers to voluntarily develop into certified, with the company’s obligatory coaching program now facing uncertainty in court, an IRS watchdog told Reuters.

Your job is not all the time 9 to 5. That is why we’ve made it handy for you to earn your CE credits on-line with out additional fees. Anyway to get again to your authentic query: why do you wish to be a PT. We can begin there, just type it out under. I took science courses at a group college. It shall be weighed the same in the PTCAS calculation.

If you select to recertify and complete your entire CE credits, the recertification payment is $169.00. If you hold more than one certification, your CE credits can apply to a number of recertifications, but a $forty five …

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