Top State Dept. Officials Exit After Tillerson Visit

State Department

State DepartmentI labored at the Pentagon and in Foggy Bottom. And let me tell you: Slashing the price range for diplomacy is insane.

Regardless, the Trump administration’s new finances proposal would minimize the overall Worldwide Security Protection finances by $562 million, or thirteen {296c6b4f74ab1a85f312b9572e3e1efe6433a9beaf57bc5fe092a1007bfe21db}, compared with the estimated funds for fiscal 2017. The vast majority of those cuts would come from the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) part of the price range, which covers struggle zones including Iraq and Afghanistan and also diplomatic security for other high-risk, excessive-danger” posts.

The motives behind the sudden wave of sackings are unclear. Some of the outgoing diplomats saw it as yet one more sign of chaos from a brand new administration that’s desperately in need of expertise. Others noticed it as a wrecking operation, aimed at debilitating the state department at a time of upheaval: while the White House planned its ban on entry for …